Blog Content Is Powerful Marketing! Here Are 18 Topics

Writing blog content is a foundational piece of content marketing and search engine optimization.
Yet, the reality is that most new business owners struggle with how to generate more content more often. After all, we can’t expect content marketing to be successful if we have no content .
I truly believe that blog content is a powerful thing. And it's one of the easiest was to improve your google ranking so more potential clients can find you.
Blog content offers many benefits for service providers that are not always super obvious.
- Higher ranking in search engines: When content is optimized properly, and uses the appropriate keywords in a natural way to produce high quality content, it will appear higher on the ranking scale.
- Broad usability and flexibility: The content you create can be used in a variety of ways. You can post on multiple social media platforms, on your own website via your blog, link to it from your newsletter, or even through another’s’ newsletter. Once you’ve created the content, you can format it in many different ways, from blogs to videos to Facebook posts to Facebook Live segments to podcasts and more.
- Ability to connect with your audience: Sharing your knowledge, tips, and perspectives can make it easier to form strong connections. Stepping outside of your business knowledge, and sharing more of who you are as a person outside of your business, can be just as powerful if you do it the right way.
- Share-ability: Unlike more “traditional” marketing methods, digital content is easy to share. Few people are going to cut an article from the newspaper and send it via the U.S. Postal Service to friends or family. But they may be inclined to copy and paste a blog URL into an email or share though a social media account.
Perhaps you’re thinking, “Okay, okay! We get that content marketing is good, possibly even amazing. But what the heck do I write about?
I get you. It took me 9 years in business before I published my first blog post. It took me another year before I published a few more. Finally, in my 11th year of business, I began blogging on a regular basis. And guess what? I’m not pulling my hair out. I’m not spending hours in front of a blank computer screen stressing out.
I’m not sure when the shift happened. I only know it happened. It seems like creating content ideas is now easier for me (trust me, I’m still in a bit of disbelief myself).
Since I’ve experienced the positive impact of blog content in my own business and have seen my clients have success with it too, I wanted to share my knowledge and help you, too.
Here are 18 things that can help you start writing blog content. And, the best part -- this “content” can be transformed and repurposed as videos, Facebook live content, or even a little Instagram action! To me, being able to write one blog and then repurpose it into other formats is why I feel blogging is so valuable.
So, without further ado -- I give you
18 Blogs You Can Write -- Right Now!
Many of these are personal in nature, which gives your audience (potential clients) a chance to get to know you and even start to like you because they're able to see your values, beliefs and perspectives. It's the first two steps in the Know, Like and Trust factor of client attraction.
1. Things You Love About What You Do.
Only you know what you love about what you do. When you share that, you put your own spin on your field and share positive energy. This list may also re-energize you if you find that you’ve hit a motivational slump.
2. Myths About Working With An Expert.
There’s a lot of misinformation out there, whether intentional or not, and this list is an opportunity to share what you know to be true about your industry. This is a great way to help you solidify your position in your industry.
3. Fun And Funny Facts About You:
This is a way to connect with people on a more personal level. People like to know more about those they do business with. It satisfies natural human curiosity.
4. Characteristics Of Clients You Love to Work With:
Not only does this kind of list tell your audience more about your ideal client, but it also helps you gain clarity about the kind of client who lights you up and makes you love your work.
5. Benefits Of Working With You:
Highlight what your clients get out of their relationship with you. This provides a deeper understanding and could help to draw more clients in.
6. One-line Client Success Stories: This one can be a little challenging. But it’s a fabulous way to cheer on your clients and, again, show some of the benefits of working with you.
7. Goals Your Clients Achieve When Working With You: If someone is on the fence about working with you, turn it around and make it about what they’ll achieve, what they’ll gain. This can be a powerful motivator. That’s why this blog post focuses so much on topics like that.
8. Reasons Your Clients Hire You: This one is less about your clients and more about you. It highlights the way you help your clients achieve the things they’ve done in #7, and can also give a glimpse into the mindset of current and former clients.
9. Your Favorite Tools And Resources: These can be related to your industry or about things you use in your business and life. Who doesn’t like to learn about new tools and resources they can use to further their success? Implementing your list of favorite tools and resources can help make your life easier.
10. Things On Your Personal Bucket List: This is another list that can help people learn more about you and to connect with you on a deeper level.
11. Things You’ve Discovered About You: This can be either personal or business related, depending on what you’re trying to accomplish.
12. Movies You Love And Why: Who doesn’t love movies? Everyone I know is interested in getting recommendations about movies they haven’t seen. Share your favorites and give prospective clients something to feel connected to you about!
13. Things You’ve Done That People Would Never Guess: This is the kind of post that helps someone break out of their shell, or to dash the preconceived notions that others might have of you.
14. Favorite Books And What Each Has Taught You, Or What Enjoyment They Provided You: I think of this one as another resource sharing post. Whether you write about books that helped you in business or in your personal life, they made an impact. Why not share that?
15. Favorite Quotes And What They Mean To You: This could be a deeply personal post; sharing favorite quotes can often show readers another side of you.
16. Pictures Of You Growing Up: Tell your story. Let your readers know who you are. Share how some of your life experiences shaped you. Show how your life has shaped your business.
17. Places You’ve Visited (With Pictures Of You There) Or 18 Places You Want to Visit: Honor your past and plan for your future. If you enjoy travel, or dream of becoming a jet-setter, this sort of post can really re-energize you and entertain your audience.
18. Ways You’d Spend $1,000: Whether you have a serious side or a playful one, this could be a fun way to plan or to dream. How would you spend an extra $1,000?
Go ahead, give it a shot! One thing I’ve learned is that it doesn’t matter if I think it’s going to be “hugely wonderful awesome content.” It's more about starting to write content. And I’ve often been amazed at how good the content ends up being and how much my audience enjoys it. Maybe you'll be amazed too?
You got this! Give it a try. Pick one list and see how you do!
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I'm Coach Erin. I help new and emerging business owners
↣ organize ideas
↣ design authentic brands
↣ systematize business
↣ create and implement strategies
↣ improve productivity
If you want to start, grow and manage your online service business with more confidence, consistency, and control, let's meet.
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Erin Garcia, Business Coach
Coach Erin has been guiding new business owners through the process of starting, growing, and managing a service business since 2003. Between coaching, brand design, and website development you might catch her strolling the beaches of Western Washington, visiting family in Arizona, or enjoying a glass of iced tea creekside on her back patio.