The Truth About Business Coach Erin Garcia

40 Truths about Me, Coach Erin
Working with a coach is pretty personal. You’re expected to dive into some deep topics, often with someone you don’t know very well.
I want to make sure you know me--and some of my quirks. Not only does this humanize me a bit, but it’s just fun to get to know people on a different level.
- I love overcooked oatmeal.
- I love cold “next day” oatmeal.
- I sometimes snort when I laugh.
- I was a chronic nail biter till my mid 30’s.
- I love being outdoors but hate bugs and the smell of bug spray.
- I love to sing and secretly record myself singing and then quickly delete.
- When I was in high school, I would dress up as a cowboy on Friday nights.
- I was my high school mascot, a Wrangler (hence the dressing up like a cowboy).
- Whatever temperature it is outside is the temperature I am. If it’s hot, I’m hot. If the air conditioner turns on, I’m cold. If the air conditioner turns back off, I’m hot. I’m not very much fun to live with.
- I never had a date in high school 🙁
- Pretty much every time I get my blood drawn I pass out because I have vasovagal.
- Just talking about getting my blood drawn or you getting your blood drawn makes me woozy (see #9).
- In my college years when I would run out of clean underwear, I’d just go buy more as doing laundry was not my thing. I sometimes wish that were still possible as I still don’t like laundry.
- I once went to Disneyland with my best friend and fell down the stairs in the Robinson treehouse. She laughed, I laughed, then we both cried. Eventually, after seeing some hot Disneyland paramedics, I ended up with a sprained ankle, a wheelchair, and a pass to the front of the line for all the rides and shows.
- About 85% of my home decor and wardrobe comes from Goodwill.
- My husband and I share a bed but not a comforter. I tend to hog the blankets so we simplified it by buying two of the same comforter. One for him, one for me.
- When my husband took me looking for wedding rings, I tried a ring on in one store and said, “It’s just too big.” Then we went across the mall walkway to another store, tried on another ring, and fell in love with it. That’s when hubby pointed out that it was the EXACT same ring that I didn’t like in the other store. I sort of shrugged my shoulders and said, “It’s the one.” He bought it. I love it.
- I love houseplants but for the life of me can’t keep them alive.
- I don’t always have my dishes done when clients arrive for their coaching sessions, so I just put them in the sink and cover them with a towel. Kind of how I cleaned my room as a teenager too.
- My hubby does all the cooking in our house. I once tried to make my stepdaughter pumpkin muffins and the stove caught on fire. Now I am restricted to only using the microwave unless I’m supervised.
- One of the first things that changed when I started my home-based business was that I no longer showered and got ready before taking my kids to school. I took them to school in my pj’s and yes, sometimes I picked them up in those same pj’s. (Not proud of this, but it’s true.)
- I talk in my sleep. I walk in my sleep. I yell in my sleep. I have even dislocated my husband’s wrist in my sleep (in my defense, I was saving him from falling into a hole…in my dream.) Hubby used to think it was funny and cute, but since the wrist incident, it’s not so cute anymore.
- I have PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome) which means I’m overweight, losing my hair, growing a beard, occasionally moody, and not likely to get pregnant.
- I am the stepparent of one daughter and one son. Being a stepparent has been one of the biggest blessings in my life and one of the hardest lessons too.
- While I often say things that are quite wise and wisdom-filled, I also say things like “Dang, it was one hell of a job for whoever planted all these trees,” while driving in the Colorado forest. Umm?? Yep, one hell of a job. LOL
- My favorite color for years and years was purple, then in December of 2014, I decided my new favorite color was coral. But in October of 2015, I decided my favorite color really was teal.
- Changing your favorite color is a big decision that I’ve now made three times. Each one of those times meant changing my business brand colors…because that’s what you do when you’re your own boss.
- I taught myself how to design a website. I’ve designed and redesigned my website multiple times.
- I’m addicted to remodeling our home and have remodeled the remodel multiple times. (Are you seeing a pattern here? Website redesign, home redesign.. yep addicted to redesign and not ashamed of it.)
- As I mentioned, a lot of my home decor and wardrobe come from Goodwill and my husband teases me that really I just have a “rental program” with Goodwill because I often donate things back with the price tag still on them. I wish it weren’t true, but it is.
- I really really really dislike collars on my shirts. I feel restricted and like I can’t move my neck. Weird, I know. 🙂
- I have been both a night owl and an early bird but not normally on the same day.
- When our kids were little they would often crawl into bed with my hubby and me on Saturday mornings and we’d laugh, talk and even sing. Hubby and I still enjoy snuggling late on Saturday mornings and yes, we still sing once in a while too.
- I LOVE being organized and having a place for everything but I’m not so great at staying organized or keeping everything in its place. I often reorganize because keeping organized is just not as much fun. LOL
- We have used 20 (and counting) different paint colors in our home. Not all at the same time. I just love changing colors.
- I owned my first business at age 18, Nails By Erin. I completed my nail technician training while attending high school. I started my business in January of my senior year and ran it for another three years after graduating. I learned a lot from my side of the manicurist table.
- I’ve had one large skin cancer removed from my forehead.
- I was a lifeguard and taught swim lessons at my hometown public pool throughout high school (hence the skin cancer).
- My stepson often rates movies based on how many tissues I will need. “Oh, this is going to be a good movie, probably a five or six tissue movie.” What can I say? I cry at movies. Oh and Hallmark commercials, too.
- When my husband and I were dating he took me golfing--in Phoenix--in July. I ended up with heatstroke. I still married him. I never struggled with the heat before, but I soooo do now.
What are some truths you can share about yourself? I’d love to know what we have in common!
Erin Garcia, Business Coach
Coach Erin has been guiding new business owners through the process of starting, growing, and managing a service business since 2003. Between coaching, brand design, and website development you might catch her strolling the beaches of Western Washington, visiting family in Arizona, or enjoying a glass of iced tea creekside on her back patio.
Hello! & Welcome
I'm Coach Erin. I help new and emerging business owners
↣ organize ideas
↣ design authentic brands
↣ systematize business
↣ create and implement strategies
↣ improve productivity
If you want to start, grow and manage your online service business with more confidence, consistency, and control, let's meet.
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