
Hello! I'm Coach Erin.
I'm an idea machine with endless ideas. What some see as nothing, I see as something. I'll do just about anything to avoid boredom and delight in unexpected discoveries. I dream simple, live happy, and love challenges that are focused more on understanding myself than on proving something to others.
For me, business is not just an income generator, it's a change generator; a catalyst for driving change in the world and supporting others in creating businesses that also drive change in the world.
I am able to view most things through many different lenses simultaneously and if something makes sense and has a practical use, I want to learn as much about it as I can. And then, I want to share my findings, perspectives, and insights with others. Hence the reason I started a blog. So, welcome to my blog. Browse around and enjoy!
A Strong Business Vision Makes Success Easier to Achieve
Stay in the loop – Don’t miss what’s coming next!→ A Strong Business Vision Makes Success Easier To Achieve Having a strong business vision is essential. It helps guide us and allows us to really target our business and its message to the right audience. It’s something we can build on and grow into. But…
EXPLORE DEEPER →How To Quit Your Job And Start A Business: The First Two Steps
Stay in the loop – Don’t miss what’s coming next!→ How To Quit Your Job And Start A Business I thought I was ready to quit my job and start a business. I’d planned! I’d prepared! But when I quit my job to start my own business in 2006, I found out I really wasn’t…
EXPLORE DEEPER →4 Powerful Ways To Create A Business Plan That Guides Your Work and Your Life
Stay in the loop – Don’t miss what’s coming next!→ 4 Powerful Ways To Create A Solid Business Plan A business plan is a must-have document to guide your endeavors, to help you grow, and ensure you smash your goals. This one doesn’t have to be 25 pages with graphs and tables; it doesn’t have…
EXPLORE DEEPER →Title: Choosing The Perfect One As A New Business Owner?
Stay in the loop – Don’t miss what’s coming next!→ Title: Choosing The Perfect One As A New Business Owner? Business Owner is your title. Stepping out of Corporate America and into the world of business ownership? Trying to find the perfect title for what you want to pursue? Wait! One of the first shifts…
EXPLORE DEEPER →Align Your Business To You In 4 Proven Steps
Stay in the loop – Don’t miss what’s coming next!→ Align Your Business To You In 4 Proven Steps Taking the time to align your business to you is one of the keys to building the successful business you dream of. When you align your business to you it means you’ll find fulfillment in the…
EXPLORE DEEPER →Four Simple Ways To Make Your Passion A Profitable Business
Stay in the loop – Don’t miss what’s coming next!→ Four Simple Ways To Make Your Passion A Profitable Business Are you interested in turning your passion into a profitable business and a value to others? Because if you are, the following steps will help you identify and draft business goals that are both realistic…
EXPLORE DEEPER →Realistic Goals To Focus On In Your First Year Of Business
Stay in the loop – Don’t miss what’s coming next!→ Realistic Goals To Focus On In Your First Year Of Business Your first year in business can be exciting, exhilarating and exhausting. That’s why it’s important to focus on setting realistic goals. But how do you know what a realistic goal is if you’ve never…
EXPLORE DEEPER →Employee To Self-Employed: Make Your Move Successful
Stay in the loop – Don’t miss what’s coming next!→ Employee To Self-Employed: Make Your Move Successful Let me be very clear, what you’re about to read is not what I did when going from employee to self-employed. Rather, this is what I would do after 15+ years of being a business owner and coaching…
EXPLORE DEEPER →Transitioning From An Employee To Full Time Business Owner
Stay in the loop – Don’t miss what’s coming next!→ Transitioning From Employee To Business Owner It’s story time! The tale of my transition from employee to business owner, spoiler alert…it’s actually something I would do very differently if I was doing it over again! But I’m sharing this story with the hope that it…
EXPLORE DEEPER →The Solopreneur Business Model: The Hidden Challenges and Amazing Benefits
Stay in the loop – Don’t miss what’s coming next!→ The Solopreneur Business Model: The Hidden Challenges and Amazing Benefits Is the solopreneur business model the right model for you? As more and more individuals are taking the leap from employed to self-employed it’s important to weigh the pros and cons to ensure the solopreneur…
EXPLORE DEEPER →New Affirmations To Build An Authentic Business Brand
Stay in the loop – Don’t miss what’s coming next!→ New Affirmations To Build An Authentic Business Brand An authentic business brand helps your audience recognize you no matter where you’re marketing your services. Affirmations are a powerful tool to build more positive thoughts about your branding (and your business’s personality.) Here are a few…
EXPLORE DEEPER →Stages of Business Development: The Quick and Easy Facts
This blog post is for those business owners who are so busy doing their thing that they’ve never really sat down to figure out exactly what stage they’re in, or for those business owners who want guidance on the stages and what they can expect to see in each one.
EXPLORE DEEPER →Design Programs From Your Services- 4 Proven Ways
As a service-based business owner, you’ve probably heard the debate about selling time versus selling value. When you sell individual services (like a single Reiki session, or a single massage), you’re selling your time. If you sell packages (like multiple massages, or a trio of sessions – massage, yoga, and counseling, you can sell your clients on the value – on what they get out of it (greater relaxation/better mental health? Something like that).
No matter how long you’ve been in business, there’s always an opportunity to re-examine existing packages or create new packages.
EXPLORE DEEPER →Discover The Powerful Benefits of Defining Your Business Niche
Creating a thriving business starts by defining your niche. It will set you up to achieve better results, quicker and with fewer costs.
Developing a well-defined niche can take trial and error. Don’t stress over starting out with a broader niche and then narrowing it down as you work with more and more clients, it’s very very common.
EXPLORE DEEPER →Creating A Start-Up Budget For Your New Business
3 Categories to Include in Your Business Budget and Why You Should Think of a Budget Different Way. In business, budget is not a dirty word. A budget is a tool that helps you to allocate your resources. A budget is a tool that helps you ensure your business’ future.
Business Development: 40+ Powerful Questions To Propel You Forward
Stay in the loop – Don’t miss what’s coming next!→ Business Development: 40+ Powerful Questions To Propel You Forward Business development can be challenging. It’s common to be inspired and enthusiastic about our business vision only to get stuck and confused about what to do next. Below are questions to help you identify your goals,…
EXPLORE DEEPER →Building A Successful Business: My One Big Secret
Stay in the loop – Don’t miss what’s coming next!→ Building A Successful Business: My One Big Secret My one big secret to building a successful business is from Frank Sinatra. Because, the big secret is DO IT YOUR WAY, do what works for you! Not what the rest of the crowd is doing. And…
EXPLORE DEEPER →Build Strong Client Relationships With The Power of Trust
Stay in the loop – Don’t miss what’s coming next!→ Build Strong Client Relationships With The Power of Trust Strong client relationships are built on trust. Because without trust we miss out on unlocking true success in our businesses. We’re all in business to sell something. If we didn’t make sales we wouldn’t be able…
EXPLORE DEEPER →Blog Content Is Powerful Marketing! Here Are 18 Topics
Stay in the loop – Don’t miss what’s coming next!→ Blog Content Is Powerful Marketing! Here Are 18 Topics Writing blog content is a foundational piece of content marketing and search engine optimization. Yet, the reality is that most new business owners struggle with how to generate more content more often. After all, we can’t…
EXPLORE DEEPER →Building Your Remarkable Brand -10 Proven and Powerful Ways
Stay in the loop – Don’t miss what’s coming next!→ Building Your Remarkable Brand 10 Proven and Powerful Ways Building your remarkable brand is key to the success of your online service business. Check out the tips and implement them soon so you’re business can reach optimum success. Step 1: Have a clear vision Building…
EXPLORE DEEPER →How To Make Blogging Easier
Discover 10 Exercises To Make Blogging Easier
EXPLORE DEEPER →Minimalism; A New Approach to Business Growth
In today’s business world there is unspoken pressure to always be launching, always be growing, always be scaling, always be developing new and better products, programs, and offerings. From my own experience I know just how easy it is to get pulled in, sucked in, and stuck in this message and lose sight of why you started your entrepreneurial journey in the first place. I also know how hard it is to fight against this pressure, to feel the judgments of other women business owners. You just want to cave in and follow the crowd.
EXPLORE DEEPER →How To Create Better Marketing Content
If you don’t have a content marketing plan in place for the year or you’re finding that coming up with regular content is a struggle, this post will offer you a little inspiration.
EXPLORE DEEPER →Multiple Marketing Strategies At One Time Creates A Disaster!
I see too many women business owners trying to do multiple marketing strategies. Starting more than one or two strategies at once ends with business owners saying, ” I don’t know how to market”. Even the greatest strategy isn’t going to work if you don’t implement it beyond the surface.
EXPLORE DEEPER →The Best Business Wisdom From A Business Coach
After owning my own business and coaching hundreds of women since 2006, I’m here to share with you ten bits of business wisdom. May these business wisdom bits provide you with inspiration, clarity, and direction in starting and managing your own business.
EXPLORE DEEPER →The Best Places To Market Your Business
Click through and uncover quick coaching questions to guide you in finding the best places to market your business.
EXPLORE DEEPER →Business Testimonials: 7 Ways To Get Testimonials From Your Clients
Business Testimonials are one of, if not, the best marketing tool. According to a B2B Content Marketing Report Survey, testimonials are more effective than any other type of content marketing.
Testimonials can gain the trust of potential clients and convert even the most reluctant into a client. Yet, new business owners often find getting testimonials to be a challenge. The fear of feedback is one of the most common fears of new business owners which is why I’m here to offer 7 ways to make getting testimonials not so icky.
My Business Is Failing, HELP!
Feeling like your business is failing is no fun. Yet, having your business fail in the first year is not uncommon.
Read on to discover the five main reasons your new business is failing.
Easy Affirmations To Boost Your Confidence: For New Business Owners
Stay in the loop – Don’t miss what’s coming next!→ Easy Affirmations To Boost Your Confidence: For New Business Owners Looking for a easy and simple way to boost your confidence as you start your new business? Truth is, there is no new business owner who couldn’t use a boost to their confidence. Reality check…
EXPLORE DEEPER →Declutter Your Business In 20 Simple Ways
Stay in the loop – Don’t miss what’s coming next!→ Declutter Your Business In 20 Simple Ways Just as our homes fill with clutter, so do our businesses. I know first-hand how stressful clutter can be. I also know it takes time and energy to declutter your business. But, here’s the thing — Clutter makes…
EXPLORE DEEPER →Self Growth In Business, The Hidden Journey
Stay in the loop – Don’t miss what’s coming next!→ Self Growth In Business, The Hidden Journey Most individuals don’t realize the powerful self growth in business ownership. Yet, owning your own business and being your own boss is the most powerful personal development journey available. When I started my own business in 2006, I…
EXPLORE DEEPER →How To Use The Law of Attraction for Business
Stay in the loop – Don’t miss what’s coming next!→ How To Use The Law Of Attraction For Business Many do not realize how powerful the law of attraction for business can be. And as a business owner, they can aid you in drawing in the success you want, the clients you desire, and the…
EXPLORE DEEPER →10 Powerful & Life Changing Lessons I’ve Learned in My 10 Years In Business
Stay in the loop – Don’t miss what’s coming next!→ 10 Powerful and Life Changing Lessons From My First 10 Years In Business After my first 10 years of being a solopreneur, here are my top 10 lessons learned in business. Oh how very powerful and life changing these lessons have been. My own experiences…
EXPLORE DEEPER →Spring Clean Your Business: 8 Simple Steps To A Business Fresh
Stay in the loop – Don’t miss what’s coming next!→ Spring Clean Your Business: 8 Simple Steps To A Business Fresh Is It Time to Spring Clean your business? Even if it’s not actually spring? Solopreneurs are so busy growing their business that they forget to spring clean their business. Much like we need to…
EXPLORE DEEPER →Self-Care For Business Success: A Not So Simple Secret
Stay in the loop – Don’t miss what’s coming next!→ Self-Care For Business Success: A Not So Simple Secret As business owners, we often put our self-care behind marketing and clients but it is a key to our business success. And this is especially true if we were raised in a perfectionistic, “suck it up…
EXPLORE DEEPER →How Authenticity In Your Business Can Be A Powerful Game Changer
Stay in the loop – Don’t miss what’s coming next!→ How Authenticity In Your Business Can Be A Powerful Game Changer Authenticity In Business? Many know that creating and maintaining authenticity in your business is a key factor in your success. But sometimes it’s hard to know what that actually means. And how to make…
EXPLORE DEEPER →10 Creative But Simple Ways Achieve Your Business Goals
Stay in the loop – Don’t miss what’s coming next!→ 10 Creative But Simple Ways Achieve Your Business Goals Check out these 10 creative but simple ways to achieve your business goals with joy and fulfillment. 1. Team Up With A Partner: Find someone who is working on a similar goal or project. Set…
EXPLORE DEEPER →Why I Don’t Set Big, Scary, and Audaciously Hairy Goals
Stay in the loop – Don’t miss what’s coming next!→ Why I Don’t Set Big, Scary, And Audaciously Hairy Goals Big, scary, and audaciously hairy goals?! Just writing that makes my heart palpitate. And if just writing the title causes my heart rate to increase, imagine what my mind and soul will feel if I force…
EXPLORE DEEPER →My Unique Business Ownership Philosophy
After coaching with hundreds of business owners and operating my own business for 10+ years, I now have a clear philosophy for owning my own business.
The following principles provide me guidance in my decision-making and keep my mindset clear and focused on my priorities.
EXPLORE DEEPER →Improve Your Business Services With Easy Affirmations
Improve your business services using one of the greatest mindset tools, affirmations. Affirmations have the power to help you improve your business services, programs, and package offerings allowing you to increase your impact.
EXPLORE DEEPER →Master How To Take Fear By The Hand And Do It
I’ve long said that fear is not all bad.
In many ways, fear keeps us safe from harm. but sometimes fear gets confused on what’s harmful and what’s helpful.
EXPLORE DEEPER →10 Powerful Business Lessons Learned From Climbing A Mountain
10 Things Climbing A Mountain With HubbyTaught Me
About Business, Goals, And Being A Leader
How To Make Business Conversations With Hubby Less Icky
For more than a decade (since 2006) I’ve worked with hundreds of women who own their own services businesses and face one very common challenge that I also experience. That challenge is talking with one’s spouse about your business.
Sure it can be fun and easy to share with our husbands when we feel confident, are making money, our clients are successful.
But what about those times when we feel like nothing we do is right, our clients aren’t satisfied with our service, we lose a client to someone else?
© 2003-2022 - IT WILL BE LLC./COACH ERIN