to who I believe is my soulmate
to my most powerful teachers
who craves new experiences
of organization and aesthetics
In 2006, I quit my full-time job as a director of volunteer services for a non-profit agency in Phoenix Arizona to pursue my dream of being my own boss and having my own business (again.) I wanted to use my skills, talents, and knowledge to help others while creating a yummy lifestyle for me.
And, it was in 2006 that I discovered that without clarity, you're stuck. Not being clear had me uncertain about what steps to take. Not feeling confident that the strategies I chose would be the right ones and fear of both failure and success was quickly draining my confidence and my motivation.
Thankfully, I took one step and then another. I tried. I tested. I tweaked. And now, I'm living my dream.
I believe ...
in putting people first.
business is not a puzzle to be solved where there is only one possible outcome. Business is art. it's inherently messy, unpredictable and has multiple possible outcomes. And very often the original vision ends up as only a percentage of what gets created.
owning your own business is the most powerful personal growth experience.
putting income gain over lifestyle creates a short-term high, not long-term satisfaction.
young business owner to solopreneur
At age 19 and a senior in high school, I was the only one in my class balancing owning a business with finishing my algebra homework.
I successfully ran my first business, 'Nails By Erin,' for 3 years before leaving my childhood hometown for the big city of Phoenix, Arizona.
With my Early Childhood Education and Child and Family Studies degree in-hand, I was ready to begin teaching young children. The majority of my teaching career was spent working for a non-profit focused on child abuse prevention.
I ended my 10-year career with the non-profit after filling the position of the director of volunteer services for 4 years.
Once again I was ready for what was next as I had finished my coach certification with The Southwest Institute of Healing Arts. I had come full circle and was once again owning my own business.
is my dream job
Seeing others step fully into being a leader in their industry and enjoy the work they do with their clients, I love it.
I love it when I can craft the perfect coaching activity that moves a client from confusion to clarity. Or when a client experiences such a powerful breakthrough that they can’t sleep at night because they’re too excited.
Coaching allows me to tap into my intuition to hear both what my clients are trying to say and what they are actually saying.
Working with business owners has given me a unique opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of my clients, and through the work I do with my clients I'm able to be a part of making an impact on their clients. It's a waterfall of a positive effect and I think it's pretty damn cool.
of me
Finding creative and uncommon routes towards goals is what I love and I am masterful at helping others troubleshoot and maneuver challenges.
Conversations filled with possibilities, creative alternatives, and intuitive insights that wander from one topic to another are my kryptonite.
I’m awesome at helping my clients set goals, but not great at setting goals myself.
I have a tendency to switch gears mid-stream and I have remnants of ideas never implemented on scratch pieces of papers, excel spreadsheets and google docs.
I'm a dog rescue mom, and cat slave.
A few of my favorite things are weekend get-a-ways with my hubby, watching the waves and seagulls at the beach, and listening to rain.
Spiders freak me out.
My top values are purpose, freedom, relationships, creativity, and intuition.
I'm motivated more by having a sense of purpose than having power, fame, or pure financial gain.

© 2003-2022 - IT WILL BE LLC./COACH ERIN