Self Growth In Business, The Hidden Journey

Most individuals don't realize the powerful self growth in business ownership. Yet, owning your own business and being your own boss is the most powerful personal development journey available.
When I started my own business in 2006, I knew I’d learn a lot. I knew I’d gain new skills and knowledge. What I didn’t know is how much I’d learn about myself.
The process of starting your own business and learning to be your own boss is filled with some of the most valuable (in my opinion) self growth opportunities. Growth opportunities that go way beyond the start-up phase of a new business. After 15+ years in business, I’ve come to realize that there is no end to the self growth journey of business ownership.
Here are a couple a-ha's from my own
self growth journey of business ownership
I LOVE creating customized systems and organization
In total transparency, I knew this before starting my own business. But, it has been confirmed and my love of it has grown. If there is a way to “systematize” something, I’m going to do it. It saves me time, mental head space and means I’m more consistent. This means I provide a more consistent value for my clients and I can better help them create their business systems and organization. (Which I double LOVE doing.)
My clients success brings me more joy than my own success
I didn’t recognize this one on my own. Thanks to my hubby for pointing it out.
As I was telling him a story of how my client had hit her biggest income month yet he commented “You’re eyes light up more for your clients income than your own income.” I half-way believed him. But, as I paid more attention to my reactions I found it to be true situation after situation. Having a client reach a $100,000 year -- AWESOME!
Knowing that client started coaching thinking that $100,000 a year was “something no one ever made” -- can’t even put that feeling into words. It wasn’t just that she made the income. It was that she broke through a limiting belief. Don’t get me wrong, the business success is awesome and amazing. Yet, there is something about knowing a clients mindset and behaviors have changed. That allows a lifetime of changes to come. That’s what gives me “goosies” as Jennifer Lopez says.
Too much “time off” makes me bored and lethargic
Oh how I don’t want this to be true -- but it is. Like most new business owners I was sure I wanted to work as few hours a week and play as many hours a week as I could. And for the first month or two it was a blast.
But I quickly found myself sleeping later, taking more naps, walking through store aisles like a zombie and often just sitting and staring into space. I was BORED! I wanted more clients and more projects to keep me busy and utilize my brain power.
Wish I could say it was just during start-up that this occurred -- it wasn’t. I was working like crazy, had the most active clients I had ever had and was working on growing my Mastermind Resource Folder for my Sparks Members. It was awesome! But, my “mind” thought I needed a rest. Ok -- it was my ego telling me “you deserve a break, you’ve worked really hard.” UGH! Self-sabotage sucks!
So I scheduled myself a week off from clients. I had great plans to get lots of the “behind the scenes” stuff done. Guess what? I didn’t get a dang thing done. I blew my time off (after all, I had plenty of it to spare.” At the end of the week I was sleeping in late, taking naps and sneaking off to browse the aisles of Goodwill. No more time off for me. At least not a week at a time (unless I’m on a true vacation.)
I am an idea creator, planner and analyzer
I need an assistant for the “implement it” stage. Can you relate to this? You have awesome ideas that get you all jazzed up. You plan out the details and then -- it sits there. It gets to the point when it’s time to actualize the plan, time to “do” the work and you just get stuck. (oh come one, I can’t be the only one. lol)
For too long, the part of me that thought I should improve my implementation skills was in the lead role. The self-criticism of myself for not getting things done -- only created a unending cycle of self-doubt. If anything, it was making me more unproductive. But, when the part of me that said “so -- get someone to implement it for you” took over, I became more productive. I also had less self-doubt, leaving me much more emotional and mental brain-space to be creative and plan out more amazing ideas.
I get it. There are many guru’s who tell us we should work on our weaknesses and make them into strengths. And I did -- try. It didn’t work for me. It was much more productive for me to accept my weakness. Embracing the fact that I’m an idea generator not an idea implementer changed my business. Now, I collaborate, connect and work with idea implementers -- like my copywriter, organization coach and assistant. Getting things implemented means more connection with potential clients, better connection with current clients and ultimately more business success. Sure, it costs something up front but the return on my investment is immeasurable -- because without it being implemented there would be no ROI.
I’m more intuitive than I ever believed I was
This one makes me giggle. You’d never even see the word “intuitive” or “intuition” in my
vocabulary before starting coaching. Yet, when I was in coaching school at S.W.I.H.A I realized intuition might just be my top strength. I just never knew what it was or that it had a “name.” Yet, it shows up time and time again in my coaching sessions (and my life.) My clients often say things like “you’re spidey sense is right on” or “how did you know that?”
Now, it’s not some “woo-woo” coaching technique I use. Infact, I’m not even conscious of it. It’s just a part of who I am, who I’ve always been. I call it my “gut guesses.” Sometimes they are right on -- other times they're not. But, most times they provide some type of new perspective, a light-bulb moment or an insight into a truth. It’s just another tool in my coaching toolbelt. It just happens to be a pretty powerful tool.
I’m a lifestyle business owner not a maiden
This was life altering! I read an article about lifestyle entrepreneurs vs. maiden entrepreneurs and that’s when my business vision became more authentically me. The article outlined the typical day in the life of both a lifestyle and maiden entrepreneur.
The maiden had morning network breakfasts, team meetings, strategy committee sessions and often ended their evening with a social mixer and reading their emails in bed. Whereas, the lifestyle entrepreneur often started their day with a cup of coffee on the porch with spouse and taking their kids to school. They spend their afternoons working with clients and marketing their business. The lifestyle business owner ended their day spending time with their families, taking care of their homes and heading to bed early with their spouse.
I knew immediately that I was a lifestyle entrepreneur. Thank goodness I found this article. Thank goodness there was someone just like me. Someone who didn’t want a team working for them. Someone who wanted a slower paced life with similar financial success.
If you’re just starting out on your business journey, be patient with yourself. Recognize (the best you can) the self growth journey in business ownership. Watch for untapped potential. Be evenly appreciative of your failures as you are of your successes as each of these provide you powerful personal awareness.
If you’ve been in business a while, take some time to reflect. Look back over your time as a business owner. What new skills have you developed? How are you the same or different than before starting your business? Then, take some time looking forward. What potential is still untapped? What skills do you want to improve or learn? How are you going to use your business journey not only to create financial success but also personal success?
Hello! & Welcome
I'm Coach Erin. I help new and emerging business owners
↣ organize ideas
↣ design authentic brands
↣ systematize business
↣ create and implement strategies
↣ improve productivity
If you want to start, grow and manage your online service business with more confidence, consistency, and control, let's meet.
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Erin Garcia, Business Coach
Coach Erin has been guiding new business owners through the process of starting, growing, and managing a service business since 2003. Between coaching, brand design, and website development you might catch her strolling the beaches of Western Washington, visiting family in Arizona, or enjoying a glass of iced tea creekside on her back patio.