Kelsa Dickey's First Business Coach


More time, more money, and less stress.

Coach Erin has helped me clarify the path to take our businesses and make more money.

She’s extremely creative and helps you to feel creative too.

Erin really helped me transform my services in a way that satisfies the needs of my clients while balancing what I needed too!

The change brought about more free time, more money, and less stress.

Deciding to coach with Erin was not easy.

I was concerned that I would be judged as a nut job, yet I had hit rock bottom and was unsure about what to do, so I jumped in and scheduled a coaching session. 

After just one session I saw the value in coaching.  Now, after just two sessions with Coach Erin, I feel my mindset shifting, I am gaining much more clarity and experiencing lots of self-discovery that I wouldn’t have been able to do alone or with close friends or family. 

Erin is pulling things out that I never knew and telling me like it is.  I’m putting a process in place to move me forward instead of floundering and feeling frustrated trying to do it on my own.  I’m glad I made the call and started coaching with Erin.







Feeling better about the future!

My coaching session was incredibly enlightening and really gave me hope that I can take my biz where I want it to go in a way that feels good for me and will give maximum value to my clients. I’m walking away with clarity, excitement, and focus. And, I’m feeling so much better about the future!

I love that Erin sees things I can’t see. She keeps me focused and always asks the right questions. I appreciate how Erin mixes in her own personal insights and experiences but never tells me what to do. She simply offers me a new perspective and a freshened confidence.



Erin sees the whole picture

Coaching with Erin is like having someone who understands what you are and are not saying.

Erin has a unique way to uncover your purpose and mission for your business. She is so creative and sees what I don’t see.

While I have had others see the whole picture, in a different light, the details and sequence were not presented. But, Erin sees the whole picture and has the skills to set up the necessary steps and skills needed to get there.

business owner grows business with business coaching




When I started, I felt unsure what coaching was going to be like. I didn’t know what Erin was going to have me do. Now I see how coaching works. I see how we are laying a solid foundation and how each session builds on the next session.

I feel like there is something powerful about taking positive steps in the direction you want to go, even if you don’t see any tangible results immediately. Just the action of going forward you see more possibilities.  I am feeling much calmer in just 3 sessions.

You get out of coaching what you’re willing to put into it. It’s super helpful to have to describe my business to Coach Erin as it helps me solidify it in my own head. She really helps me think about it in a more detailed way.



Before starting coaching, I felt uncertain and not sure how to implement the ideas in my head. Within the first half of my coaching program, I began to feel more confident, had a focus, a vision of possibility, and a game plan of what to do next.

I am now feeling more focused, confident, and ready to explore all the possibilities.

While I expected to come up with a niche and to work on my philosophy and marketing ideas, I did not think I would also get so much personal development through coaching.

Erin really pushed me out of my comfort zone with her supportive, insightful, fun, and encouraging coaching style. If you're thinking of coaching with Erin, go for it. I got so much more value than I paid for.


Today during my coaching session with Coach Erin I released a whole lot of crap and gained so much clarity.

The things I have been resisting in my business are now feeling so much better. It feels good to have permission to not have to do business “like this” or “like that” but the way I want to, the way that feels right to me. I am feeling a whole lot better about moving forward and creating packages and programs that really give my clients what they need.



I moved from absolute fear to complete joy and excitement during my recent coaching session with Erin. I discovered that it's time to move my business to the next level.

I was struggling with fear over the wrong thing and Erin helped me take a closer look at what my fear was really about. By the end of my session, I was clear on what I needed to be doing to get back onto the path towards my bliss!!!

I feel so much better about the direction I need to go now.


I had a great coaching experience with Coach Erin!

I have been going through a lot of changes in my life personally and professionally and had been feeling pretty lost.

I have a ton of thoughts and ideas but was having a hard time sorting through them and making a decision about which direction to go in.

It was so refreshing and enlightening to have Coach Erin listen to all my "stuff" and from her birds-eye view she was able to help me sort through all the ideas and see a common thread, which simplified my crazy-making and gave me a clearer idea of how to integrate my experiences with my strengths and passions.

With that clearer vision, together we discovered some new possibilities with a new angle and came up with some strategies to move in that direction.

Crystal Janke-Daniels: Phoenix, Arizona


I found Coach Erin last summer while desperately searching for someone to guide me in building my dream editing business. I’d had an LLC for a number of years but really wasn’t making the kind of progress I wanted to make.

Of all the business development coaches I talked with, Coach Erin was the most friendly, understanding, approachable, and knowledgeable.

I have been working with her for several months now and can say for certain that I would not be where I am with my business without her help and guidance. She has guided me in overcoming fears, doubts, and uncertainties by simplifying the business-building process and helping me believe that
I CAN reach my goals and make my dreams a reality.



Before working with Coach Erin, I didn't even know if I had any marketable skills. She helped me see the value of my abilities and put them together into a business that I've been running for the last 3.5 years.

Erin is fun, knowledgeable, relatable, and kind, but she also knows how to give you a kick in the pants when you need one!

She has been the perfect business coach for me, and I'm so grateful that our paths crossed so I could work with her.

It may be cliché to say, but it's true: I wouldn't be where I am today without Coach Erin.


I met with Erin recently. I am just at the beginning of starting up my business, Baby Bloom Nutrition. I was feeling confused by social media and marketing in general.

Erin helped me to focus my priorities and organize my schedule to best benefit my business (and my life in general).

Now I feel much more confident in my business decisions.

I definitely plan on working with Erin more in the future!




Customizable coaching programs to achieve your unique business and life vision

1-hour Clarity Creator

A private coaching session designed to categorize problems, organize ideas, and develop solutions for aspiring, emerging, or established business owners facing a gap between where you are and where you desire to be.


Not ready to jump into coaching with both feet?
Schedule a free Test The Waters Sessions ←
Get your questions answered and ensure coaching with me is your best opportunity for success.

3-month Grand Adventure

An individualized expedition dedicated to exploring ideas, making decisions, designing pathways, and taking action steps for service business owners who are unsure where to go or how to go about encountering new situations, implementing new concepts, and conquering ongoing challenges.


6-month B.Y.O.B

A comprehensive coaching odyssey focused on designing, organizing, launching, and building a new service business from the ground up for aspiring and emerging owners in the start-up and early growth phase of business who want to

and Be.Your.Own.Boss.
$4,200 or 6 payments of $720

(602) 499-4825


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